Building Language Inclusivity into Simulation Science

Building Language Inclusivity into Simulation Science (BLISS) is an important part of our team’s work! Here you will find our ongoing guide for incorporating inclusive language regarding people’s identities into your day-to-day work.

For those on the Simulation Science team or not - if you are setting out to do some research that somehow touches on sex and gender or race and ethnicity, and you aren’t sure how to proceed with methods and results, this should be exactly what you need!

1.0 Overview

As part of our team and organization’s larger DEI efforts, we are committed to researching and building a guide to incorporate inclusive language into our day-to-day work and to address the harmful conflation and oversimplification of dimensions of identity in health metrics research and data. As of March 2024, we have drafted an Inclusive Health Metrics guide for sex and gender, and are currently working on a similar guide for race and ethnicity. We hope these pages will serve as a useful guide to members of the Simulation Science team as well as other teams at IHME!


If you have any questions or comments about the content on this page - please reach out! You can contact us directly on GitHub or anonymously on our feedback form.