Utilizing the Interactive Simulation

Intro to Interactive Simulations

Interactive simulations are a way to step inside of a simulation instead of just receiving final outputs. This can be very helpful for a number of tasks including V&V, debugging, and generating primary outputs. These are described in detail below.

The interactive sim allows a user to see all of the data available for any simulant. For example, in the main simulation you might record the average BMI in the population by age and sex. In the interactive simulation, you can see each simulant’s individual BMI as well as their propensity score for BMI.

In addition, you can move the simulation forward in time to watch and record how simulants change and experience health events.

However, since we don’t parallelize runs in the interactive sim, we tend to use much smaller populations and generally only 1 draw and seed combination to limit run time. This makes some tasks more difficult to complete interactively.

Setting up an Interactive Sim

Setting up an interactive sim for the first time can be confusing. Follow these instructions along with the example notebook included for help. Another useful resource is the Vivarium InteractiveContext documentation.

Example notebook

This notebook includes all of the steps seen below using the CVD project as an example.

Step 1: General Prep

  • Create a conda environment with the appropriate version of Python, if you haven’t already.

  • If you haven’t installed the simulation in this environment yet, install it with pip install git+https://github.com/ihmeuw/<REPO>.git or pip install git+https://github.com/ihmeuw/<REPO>.git@<BRANCH> if you need a specific branch.

  • If you have installed the simulation repository before and just want to update to the latest version or a different branch, run one of the above commands with --no-deps --force-install added. In very rare cases this may not work; in that case, try running pip uninstall <YOUR_MODEL_NAME> and then running the appropriate pip install command.

  • Check that you have vivarium installed in your environment and can import InteractiveContext in a Jupyter notebook.

  • If you need more general help with Git or environments for this part, see these computing resources.

  • At the beginning of your notebook, include the output of pip list | grep vivarium and pip freeze | grep vivarium to preserve a record of exactly which versions you ran with.

  • Lastly, it is helpful but not required to add code that suppresses warnings generated by the interactive sim. These warnings can add clutter to notebooks and make them difficult to navigate.

First, include two (separate) Jupyter cells of:

! pip list | grep vivarium


! pip freeze | grep vivarium

These two cells automatically document what version of the simulation and related packages you are running with. Then, include a Python cell with:

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

from vivarium import InteractiveContext

Step 2: Customizing the Model Specification

You will almost always want to do some customization of the model specification (the settings and components used in the model). For example, most of the time you’ll want to remove all observers in the simulation, since they add runtime and you won’t be using them. You may also want to remove other components if you are running a stripped-down version of the model, or change configuration like population size or input draw.

You’ll do this by building a model specification object from the default YAML file, and then changing it. Here is an example:

# model_specifications/model_spec.yaml is the typical location within the engineering repo for the
# default spec to live. Ask the engineers if you can't find it.
path = Path(<YOUR_MODEL_NAME>.__file__.replace('__init__.py', 'model_specifications/model_spec.yaml'))

from vivarium.framework.configuration import build_model_specification

custom_model_specification = build_model_specification(path)

# Customizations: will be specific to your model and use case!
# Delete observer configuration
del custom_model_specification.configuration.observers
# Change population size
custom_model_specification.configuration.population.population_size = 50_000

# Delete the "metrics" component (an observer)
del custom_model_specification.components.vivarium_public_health.metrics
# Filter out components with 'Observer' or 'Stratifier' in the name
custom_model_specification.components.<YOUR_MODEL_NAME>.components = [
    c for c in custom_model_specification.components.<YOUR_MODEL_NAME>.components
    if 'Observer' not in c and 'Stratifier' not in c

This is essentially like editing the YAML file of the model specification, which you should be able to view in the engineering repository for reference. If you want to delete an entire section, for example:


you use del custom_model_specification.configuration.observers. You can do this with any section, using del custom_model_specification.X.Y.Z where X, Y, and Z are the first, second, and third level keys.

If you just want to change a value, you can set it, as we have with the population size in the example.

You can also use the default value to create your new value. That’s what’s happening with the last lines in the example, where we take whatever is in the list at components inside <YOUR_MODEL_NAME> under components and remove only the items that have ‘Observer’ or ‘Stratifier’ in them. This is equivalent to editing a YAML file that looks like this…

      - ComponentOne()
      - ComponentTwo()
      - ComponentThree()
      - ObserverOne()
      - ObserverTwo()
      - StratifierOne()
      - StratifierTwo()

… by simply removing the lines specified, leaving everything else:

      - ComponentOne()
      - ComponentTwo()
      - ComponentThree()

If you want to double-check your customizations, you can always print/display the model specification object, though this is often very verbose.

Step 3: Creating a Simulation

Now that you’re prepped, we can actually load the sim! To do this, we will use the InteractiveContext function in Vivarium.

sim = InteractiveContext(custom_model_specification)

This creates an object called sim that is the simulation. Running this command will take some time and possibly generate some pink warning text. Don’t worry! Just wait for the cell to finish running.

Step 4: Loading Data from the Simulation

You now have a simulated population. You can use get_population to create a dataset with your population. Some simulant data automatically gets recorded for your sim. To find a list of these, list the columns in your dataset. Other simulant data does not automatically get added, but can also be saved. To find a list of additional sim data available, use list_values. If you find something from the list that you want included in your data, just add it using get_value.

The below will show using all of these in practice:

pop0 = sim.get_population() # Generates a dataset with some simulant data included
pop0.columns # Lists the columns in your simulant dataset
sim.list_values() # Lists the additional columns you can add to the dataset

# Pulls in new data for all simulants and adds it to a dataframe
data1 = pd.concat([
], axis=1)

Step 5: Taking a Step Forward

The above steps only include a base population. You can also run the simulation forward by taking time steps. The most popular way to do this is using the ‘step’ function. This function takes a single step forward in the simulation. Most commonly, researchers will take a single step, record needed information and then take another step. An example of this is in the notebook below.

There are other methods to run a simulation forward which are shown in the docstring above such as run_for and run_until. These are designed to run the simulation forward without recording data. These can be useful for burn-in periods.

Code example:


The example notebook at the top expands on this to include an example of how to track simulant data over time and record subsequent time steps.

Example Tasks Using the Interactive Sim

Below are some common tasks that use the interactive sim. Please note that several of these are related to V&V. For more general information and best practices on V&V, see this vivarium page


Add further example notebooks to table below if/when they are received.

Common Interactive Simulation Tasks


Why is this done interactively?

Example Notebook

Relevant Concept Model

V&V for Risks with Many Categories (E.g., LBWSG)

Stratifying simulation outcomes by many categories may be too much of a drain on computation time

LBWSG exposure

CIFF malnutrition model

V&V for Continuous Risks

Summary measures such as mean exposure or proportions below a threshold can be simulation outputs. Interactive sims can verify risk exposure standard deviation, look at spread, or check for outliers. You can also verify correlation between risks.


CVD model

V&V for Events with Multiple Risk Factors

Stratifying event rates by many risk factors might not be computationally feasible; you can verify risk effects by calculating the event rate at the simulant level.

Multiple risks impacting CVD

CVD model

V&V for Relative Risks based on Continuous Risks

For continuous risks with risk effects, simulant level data is needed to validate risk and outcome rates.

Same example as prior row

CVD model

Check for Simulant Level Continuity

Can check that simulant values which are not meant to change, remain constant over time (example: propensities)

Testing propensities drift

CVD model


This is very general, but simulant level data can be helpful in finding potential issues. Some examples include: propensity drift over time or finding problematic outliers. You can also “remove” parts of the sim to see where a problem might be.


Concept Models:

Primary Output Graphs

Creating visualizations when individual data is needed - such as simulant interactions with healthcare or continuous risk factor spreads over time.


Concept Models:


You might notice that in a lot of the tasks above, especially making primary output graphs, you will make new “observers” for the sim and then run time forward, capturing this additional data. You might ask yourself, why not just make those the built-in observers to my actual sim? The answer is that the “dimensions” of complexity of a model run combine multiplicatively, so it is super expensive to do all of them at once. For example, you can run the simulation with 60 draws and simple observers, and you can run an interactive sim with 1 draw and complicated observers, but 60 draws and complicated observers takes way more resources than adding up those two runs. Therefore we sometimes choose to make plots in the interactive sim instead!

Common Challenges

Using the interactive sim is fundamentally different than looking at simulation outputs and this can lead to challenges. Because you are running a mini-simulation on your computer, you overlap a lot more with engineering workflow and have to watch out for some common pitfalls.

  1. Using the correct branch and simulation version:

To run an interactive sim, you install the simulation itself from the engineering repo. Be sure that you are installing updated versions as needed (with the installation commands described in the set-up guide above). If you forget, the latest work might not be present in your version of the sim, leading to confusion.

If you need to look at an old version of the sim or are actively debugging something, you might not work from the main branch. Work with engineering to ensure you’ve installed from the correct branch for your needed task.

In some cases you may need to install unreleased versions of upstream repos on GitHub, like vivarium or vivarium public health. If you run into this type of situation, consult with the engineers to find the best strategy to move forward.

  1. Differing environments:

Engineers create their own environments, and might use different versions of packages or of Python than you are using. This can cause confusion if something isn’t running as expected.

If you created your environment a while ago and you think you might have gotten out of sync, you should try re-running the install commands or re-creating the environment entirely. If you’re not sure what version of Python to use, ask the engineers what they are using.